5 Best Source to Start with Competitive Programming☕

Sibani Krishna Choudhury
3 min readApr 17, 2020


Hi , I am a Programmer . I love Competitive Programming . but, Sometimes it will be hard for you ,if You are not learning this from a Correct Source . Learning from experienced person will make things easy and more flexible for you.Here are some great source which will help to boost your Competitive programming knowledge.


Leetcode is a site with variety of tools focused on Competitive Programming questions . It Contains 900+ questions which is ranked by level of difficulty : easy , medium and hard . It organize many competitive coding contest . It has both paid and free version .In paid version you will get more feature like (rank questions by companies, Mock interviews etc..).

This Platform Provides You Support “For each question” -> 1) Editor with 5 programming language Support 2) solutions with Complexity 4) Check correctness through enormous Test Cases


AlgoExpert is Collections of Competitive Programming questions on topics like (Arrays, Dynamic Programming , Tree ,Graph ,String etc..). This platform is developed by a Person who already worked as Software engineer in Big Tech Companies (Google ,Facebook) and he had a great experience on Algorithms & Data Structure while he was preparing for his Coding Interview . This is a Paid Platform .

This Platform Provides You Support “For each question” -> 1) Editor with 5 programming language Support 2) Solutions are Video Explain 3) hint for solution 4) Check correctness through Test Cases 5)Solutions with Complexity


HackerEarth is a Platform who helps Technical Organisation in hiring global innovating & coding talent by Creating coding test , hackathons & different innovative and competitive coding challenge series . Here You can participate in those challenge to improve your coding skill .

This platform is best for sharpening Your Coding skill through different test .


Code Chef is a great competitive programming website. It is a non-profit educational initiative to help programmer . It’s also host programming contest , where it support 55+ programming languages.it’s a very popular platform used by most programmer .it’s contain fantastic coding problem which you can solve to be better in coding.

This Platform Provides You Support “For each question” -> 1) Editor with 25+ programming language Support 2)can see public submission for solution 3) Check correctness through Test Cases


GeeksforGeeks is a awesome Programming website . You can learn Competitive coding on awesome topics . They host programming Challenges .Here you can read interview ,Internship & job experiences .it have both paid and free version .

This Platform Provides You Support “For each question” -> 1) Editor with 3+ programming language Support 2)can see public submission for solution 3) Check correctness through Test Cases



Sibani Krishna Choudhury
Sibani Krishna Choudhury

Written by Sibani Krishna Choudhury

Hey guys !! I am currently working as a software engineer. I love programming and Technology. also Love to smile always😊😁

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